Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Tour of Strawberry Hill

Loretta reports:

A number of items in the Strawberry Hill exhibition at the Yale Center for British Art come from Yale’s collection at the Lewis Walpole Library.  As chock full of fabulous things as as the exhibit is (and I get dizzy trying to remember what all I saw), it doesn’t include every item from Walpole Library's collection.  They very graciously allowed the V&A and Bath Museum and others to participate.  Today I discovered that they also offer an online tour of Strawberry Hill.

Further exploration of the site yields a number of images of items in the collection.

Lady Diana Beauclerk’s cabinet
Some Rowlandson prints.
An assortment of works by Unknown.
The pair of Sevres vases I lusted for.
Check out the Grinling Gibbons frame on this Portrait of Sir Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford, and Catherine Shorter, Lady Walpole.

Though they don’t have every image online, there’s quite a bit to see here, so I’ll leave the rest of the browsing to you.

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