Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fashions for August 1831

Loretta reports:

A few more examples of fashions from the time period of Last Night's Scandal.

English Fashions.
Morning Dress.
A White jaconot muslin dress; the corsage square, and gathered round the top into a band, which is lightly embroidered at each edge; the fulness disposed in small plaits, arranged en cœur. The sleeve is an improvement on the imbecille form, very large at top, and wide, but not extravagantly so at the wrist. Two deep flounces of rich embroidery, placed one immediately above the other, go round the border, and reach rather above the knee. The apron is of changeable gros de Naples, lilac shot with white: it is arranged in bands, disposed en cœur before and behind; and ornamented on each shoulder, and at the back of the ceinture, with nœuds of ribbon to correspond. English lace cap; the caul of moderate height; the trimming of the front light, short at the ears, and partially drooping over the left side of the forehead: it is trimmed with knots of cut ribbon to correspond with the apron; the brides fasten in bows and ends on the right side.

Evening Dress.
A Dress of mousseline de soie, white figured in gold colour; the corsage cut plain and square behind, and in crossed drapery and very low in front. A guimpe, that is a plain standing up tucker of blond lace, is seen in the centre of the bosom only Béret sleeves, of the usual form. The hair is turned back in a low soft bow on each side of the forehead, which is ornamented with a gold ferronière, and disposed in full bows on the summit of the head. A blond lace scarf is arranged in the lappet style round the bows: it is attached by a bouquet of roses placed in front, and another behind. Neck chain, bracelets, &c., gold, of rich but light workmanship.
La Belle Assemblée, 1831

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