Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ball Dress for March 1830

Loretta reports:

For 1830, I present another red dress, but French this time.  The silhouette has changed completely, and gone geometric—two triangles meeting at the pointy ends, if you believe the illustration.  Actually, the dresses are softer looking than this.  In real life, these dresses were splendid.  For an example on a live person, just scroll down on this AustenProse post link Susan sent me—past the men, please—that’s right—the brown satin number with the fur boa.

A DRESS of bright cherry-coloured gaze de St. Valiere, over a gros de Naples slip, to correspond. An under corsage, of white satin, is cut low, and square, and edged round the bust with narrow blond lace. The corsage of the dress is open before and behind to the centre of the waist. It turns back in a fold, which is very narrow at the bottom, but broad at the top of the bust. These folds are edged with blond lace: they are open on the shoulder, and form an elegant finish to the sleeve. Cherry-coloured ceinture, embroidered in gold, and terminated at the waist by a fall of gold fringe. Sleeve, à la Maintenon, terminated, en manchette, with very broad blond lace. The trimming of the skirt consists of a wreath of foliage, embroidered in gold at the upper edge of the hem. Coiffeure, à la Donna Maria. The hair is dressed in very full curls on the temples, and in bands and bows, which are brought very high on the summit of the head. It is ornamented with gold flowers mingled with white roses. The bouquet, à la Jardinère, placed on one side of the bosom, corresponds with that in the hair. The bracelets and ear-rings are of massive gold; the latter in the girandole form.

Belle assemblée: or, Court and fashionable magazine; containing interesting and original literature, and records of the beau-monde, 1830.

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